Couchsurfing hosting in Japan. Second time with awesome French girls from Paris!!

June 24, 2017

French girls come!

July 2012

Second guest was 2 french girls.
This is the longest hosting experience ever. We spent the memorable 2 weeks with them!
However, the start was not good ...

This time, I offered them to stay at my house because their profile showed they are learning Japanese. I thought this would be great opportunity to do "language exchange" between English and Japanese if they come.
( At that time, as same as most Japanese people I'd thought all of western people speak English as same level as native speaker).

Actually, my wife disagreed little bit to host again because the dates are very close from first time to second time and she was pregnant the 4th child, so it was very tough task for her as looking back at that time. I'm sorry about that.. But I persuaded her somehow in the end.

In the day we confirmed to meet up, I got a message from them. They said that " Sorry we missed the bus from Tokyo to Osaka , so we can't come today. We will retry tomorrow"


Hey! I already prepared the room which they will use and I asked my wife ( who don't want to do it) to cook dinner for them and I got her agreement somehow ! But you won't come today?!

This is really trouble for me....I have to apologize to my wife after I get back to my home.
I hope she won't get very angry about that....

Although they were not in time at next day as well, they came to our place anyway.  We could meet finally.

The most surprising thing after we met was they speak Japanese very well than I thought. We used Japanese in most of days. I was not able to do " Language exchange " at all. But it's OK, not big deal.

At the beginning, I had thought they have some plans what they want to do in this area absolutely in the beginning because we can go from here to Kyoto, Osaka ,Nara... these are very popular cities for travelers as you know. These cities have rich historical stuffs like Japanese castle, old temples, big Buddha etc. I had imagined they will go to sightseeing every day using my place as a base.
However, they said that they don't have particularly plans for sightseeing and they seemed not curious about those things, indeed. But it's not good for my family because my wife needs some times for good rest in a day because she was pregnant and I have to go to my work in day time.
Umm... second trouble is here. What should I do...then I suggested them to visit Arima onsen for next day....

We spent first few days like that. They visited some places in Osaka , Kyoto, also Arima onsen too, as they are a traveler,  but after over those days they were getting to become like a part of my family.  They spend in my house whole day some time without me. That's mean we allowed they do so.

One day I brought them and my son to Nara while I'm doing my sales working, then they and my son ( he was just 7 years old at that time )  did sightseeing Nara half- day. Yes, I know it sounds unbelievable thing a father let his child go somewhere with strangers , but it was very natural thing for us at that time already.

In other days, they taught my kids how to cook the crepes, then they cooked together. We did enjoy this special foods after that !

Through this awesome 2 weeks, I felt they really became my family member.
We are keeping in touch even 5 years passed now.

Thanks Couchsurfing for giving me such a great opportunity to meet such wonderful girls!

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