Couchsurfing hosting in Japan 11th. A half day hosting

July 23, 2017

11th is a half day hosting

October, 2014

When we did over 10th hosting, my kids said something like complain that " Why the kids don't come through Couchsurfing? It's always adults, we want to meet other kids ".  Oh, it's nice idea! But it's not easy as you said, to overseas with kids would be very hard task for parents, furthermore through Couchsurfing.. I can't imagine to do so. Yeah, maybe someday I might get such a request from someone.
However I received 2 offers sooner, both are from families have kids ! 
What a coincidence! Although I was thinking whether I should stop to accept offers to give rest for my family, Yeah, I should accept both for my kids! One of them is for October but another one is for November, just once in per month, yes I think we can probably work it out.

I accepted both offers.

11th guest from Philippines

The first one was meet up the guest from Philippines. They were using Airbnb so this time was without staying. This was the first time for my family just to meet up with guests and kids through Couchsurfing.They are a family and group of 4, mother, 2 little daughters ( 10 and 7 month!)  and grandmother. The husband couldn't join this trip because he is working in Saudi Arabia.Couchsurfing with older lady and a baby, it sounds very hard combination... I salute you sir!

Meeting place trouble 

Although I thought we have confirmed exact meeting place and time through some messages we exchanged before we met, I got trouble to meet up.
We were going to meet up at in front of ticket gate of Shin-Kobe station at 11 am, and I think I said it at least 3 times in messages, furthermore this station is just 2 stations from their place, but earlier 10 min from 11 am, they started to say it's complicated to get there for them so they prefer to meet up their place instead of Shin-Kobe station. I was going to Shin-Kobe station by my car with 40 min from my house and I almost get there! Yeah, I can understand using the train in away country would be difficult sometimes, I have to be their help! 

So I sent a message for the response during driving the high-way with some danger , that " we should change the plan and I will come to your right now place in 10 min, so let's meet up there!" I changed my road immediately, but 5 min later I got call from them. They said they are in Shin-Kobe station now, so let's meet up according first plan.

Come on!!!

I have just changed the road!!

But I had no choice, I turned back to the original road.Finally, we met at Shin-Kobe station as first plan somehow. Since I am a gentle man, of course I wasn't upset to them at all ! :)

These things will happen sometimes on Couchsurfing, so just don't care about these trouble,  otherwise we can't continue the hosting.

Enjoying the time at my house

After we met, we move to our house and spend couple of hours together. They cooked for us soup with chicken and tomatoes, mainly. They said it is a local food of Philippines. Actually, my son invited his some friends to my house to play guest's children, so there are over 15 people in house, it was kind of party. We enjoyed the meals together both they cook and my wife cook.

Although it was just few hours, kids enjoyed playing together, especially their oldest daughter and my oldest daughter are almost same age so they played well! They enjoyed to cook something sweets with materials are already set in the box by sweets company.

I heard that this trip is the birthday gift for 10 years daughter. Hmm, they give the trip as a birthday gift, definitely I can't ! They must be a rich family.

They left my house few hours later to meet another friend who met also through Couchsurfing!  My guest hosted her in Philippines before, then they are going to meet again in Kobe. 
What a nice! 
I hope  also will meet my guests again in their countries someday.

We only spent couple of hours, but we could know each other culture and life.
That time was really nice.

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