Couchsurfing in Japan. A backpacker couple from Lille, France!

September 21, 2017

Couchsurfing with guest from Lille, France

Jun, /2015

I received a very nice offer from a backpacker couple from France. They are also traveling the world after quit their jobs and after 4 months travelling using the hotels, they have decided to try CouchSurfing in order to discover more deeply local people way of life. So, this was the first time to do Couchsurfing for them. What made me happy when I received their message was I could understand that they made sure to read entire my profile. Probably, they sent me a request after they felt we can be fit each other through my profile, I felt it. Their message was not long but it was not only polite one but also a bit mixed humor to feel how their personality is . I was already excited to host them as soon as I finished reading their message. Even they stayed just 1 night at my place, and even my youngest daughter got sick in this hosting but we had really good moment as I expected.

After finished a swimming school which my kids join every Saturday morning, we met up at the nearest station as usual. We didn't have the specific plan to do at my place, so we went the park nearby with my children. They said that before they came to my place,  they tried to play soccer to built good relationship with local people each countries they visited, but it was not easy. Coincidentally , my son and I love to play soccer so we play together. Looking back to my life, although I had been played soccer since I was 5 until 18, this is the first time to play it with foreigner. It was kind of touching thing.

Boys (including me) are playing soccer, girls are playing badminton, and youngest girl is playing with water using her rain boots at a drinking fountain. What a peaceful moment... 

Also, I brought them to a place which my son and I were hooked at that times. I don't know how do I say this place in English, but we call it " Batting center". In this place, you can practice your batting skill with pitching machines. 
As you know, since the Baseball is very popular spots in Japan for a long time, we have a lot of Batting center in Japan.  I know that the baseball is not popular in France but I thought it would be also a good experience for them to feel real Japan. 

I'm so sorry to say about that, but their batting forms were kind of funny! Sure, they don't know well the baseball and they have never tried it, so the forms should absolutely be kinda weird,  that's the logic, I know it but it was funny.
Usually, every Japanese especially men and boys grew up with baseball, we know how to pitching and batting naturally even never joined baseball games. The obvious things for Japanese will not be obvious things for other country people sometimes. It's very interesting, we can feel the cultural deference even in such a moment.

While eating dinner, we talked some topics and heard about their trip so far.
They have visited some east Asian countries for 4 months, and now in Japan. After leaving Japan, they are going to the Cook island and then going to South America. Oh, nice! I want to do the same thing some day.
Unfortunately, we had to stop the talking time because youngest daughter got to start to throw up suddenly. What happened..this was the first time experience even for us... Oh! yeah! She was playing with water and rain boots at the park, she might have drunk the dirty water. How many times she threw up after that...She kept it, again and again, all night long. My wife and I couldn't sleep at all by that.  Moreover, I wasn't able to do anything for my guests... I'm sorry...

We didn't have a specific plan also in next day, we talked about cultures, jobs, economy instead we couldn't talk yesterday. One interesting thing I heard was they have lived together over 8 years but they haven't married. I hardly ever heard such a lifestyle in Japan. I guess it won't be understood easily in the Japanese society but it makes me think about what is the getting married exactly. Why do we need to get married? We can stay together, live together without the married, so why? Yes, indeed, but I don't know. I'm wondering that is also one of the cultural difference. Good to know. They gave me another thinking way!
They also played well with my kids while my wife and I were looking the youngest daughter, video games, card games, Origami... Thanks a lot!

They left in the afternoon and heading to Osaka is next their destination to see the famous whiskey factory. Looking overall, we didn't do anything special such as go out to sightseeing or go around some local spots together but these 2 days were very relaxed moments, therefore very precious and memorable days for me. Hope they feel the same.

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