Couchsurfing hosting in Japan. Couchsurfer From New Jersey,USA!

June 24, 2017

The third couchsurfer from United states!

August ,2012

He was the first guest who sent me a request for staying. Actually, I sent requests in the past 2 times because the city I lived at that time is not famous one even for Japanese such as doesn't have any sightseeing spots so that I had not gotten any requests from travelers in the beginning.

I remember that I was very happy when I received his request because not only this is the first time to receive the request from guest, but also his request was very polite. He wrote on the request how he would like to know about Japanese culture and lifestyle through staying with a family especially away from the cities and he said that I am more than happy to help with chores around the house.
This request was also near dates from finished last hosting, but this time my wife and I decided to welcome him as soon as I received it.

He came here after finished his 2 month travel within Taiwan which is his root country. He brought some gifts for us and one of them was sweets from Taiwan.
He stayed 2 nights on weekdays so we had not so much time to spend together but we talked in the nights about some interesting topics, TV dramas, musics, video games, especially talking about each other language was very interesting. 
He taught me some English words and how to use these in the conversations, 
in return I taught some useful Japanese while his traveling.

However, my wife and son was not same as me. They spent whole of 2 days with him enjoying shopping and badminton, and I think this is the high-light of his staying, they built the Gun-pla which he brought us as one of his gifts together.

Just in case if you don't know, the Gunpla is the plastic model toy of Gundam which is main character of so huge popular Japanese anime for over 35 years.

Done! Now type-MK-Ⅱ has been built by their great work! They built it very beautiful one. I'm not good at building Gunpla since I was child, so I'm proud of you guys.

Everybody, GOOD JOB!!

He spent us just 2 nights but we still remember him with this Gumpla memory. At last day, I brought him to Nala, and he started another Couchsurfing life some more days at there with another Japanese family. Thank you for coming!!

The Gumdam few days later.

Our defeat this time was chiefly caused by I had left it on a table with over optimistic estimate of our 2 years old daughter's ability .

I stopped the hosting on Couchsurfing temporary after spending with him for some reasons. It was almost 2 years.

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