Are Airbnb and Couchsurfing dangerous in Japan? The violent crime happened through Airbnb....

July 19, 2017

The violent crime happened through Airbnb. 

Unfortunately, a violent crime happened in Japan recently.
The details is still not clearly right now, but a Korean lady said she got violence by Japanese guy who hosted her in Japan. She was renting the room with her female friend through Airbnb and the crime happened in this room. She told this crime to Korean consulate, then Japanese police caught the perpetrator.  I'm so sad to think of her. She have been given huge terrible experience by him despite she didn't want it at all, and this experience will go to stay in her for long time. I don't know why she chose the Airbnb, but I think that she just wanted to enjoy her holidays with her friend, plus maybe she wanted to enjoy international exchanging with some Japanese through this trip with believing Japanese is very nice and kind people, not wanted just cheep staying place. However crime happened, very unfortunately....This is the most terrible betrayal. Both Airbnb and Couchsurfing are made up by trust, but if someone do the terrible thing the trust will make sure be broken and these kind systems are going to death.

Think about Airbnb and Couchsurfing and "Safe" in Japan

I heard that the number of people to start Airbnb is increasing in Japan. It's good thing.Yes, I like Airbnb, I have used this great site couple for my family trip, it's the great way definitely, especially for big family who can't find the big room of hotel out like us, it was great help and we had really great weekend at that time. However, the number of people is increasing means that it might include people who don't understand well the way to do that.It depends average always.
In saying Airbnb, it might include people who don't understand the true meaning of the kind of share rooms, and also might include people who think this site as just a business without much care around people, and it might include people who don't know how to welcome to other countries people and to keep good relationships with neighbors while hosting. Even though those are very few, it makes trouble sometimes because usually, Japanese people, especially older generation is very sensitive to strangers so if there are some older person around own house, we have to care of the neighbors to continue the hosting. I don't want say that but in fact, there are already some troubles with that even these are not crime level though, and often showed through the news. Generally, it needs the more rules when the organization is getting bigger. Airbnb is getting bigger now in Japan so it might be needed more rules and the host might be needed kind of licence issued by Airbnb in the future.

My worry is Airbnb and Couchsurfing might be misunderstood from society. The bad rumors can destroy the new things which have not been accepted yet at least in Japan. I mentioned Airbnb is getting bigger in Japan but on the other hand, I've never heard the number of people doing Couchsurfing host is increasing in Japan. I think that is why I have hardly heard bad or even good news about Couchsurfing in Japan. I think so but I can't assert doing Couchsurfing is safe in Japan. I think it just depends average. I guess the number of people to do Couchsurfing particularly doing hosting won't increase in Japan, so I think it might not need the much of rules and kind of licence so far even in the future but we need at least moral in doing host. definitely, of course. We must defend this great 2 systems for our life to be rich!

However, I have to say people living outside of Japan this is also real Japan. Generally, it seems Japan is said this is very safe country and every Japanese people are very kind from other countries people, but Japan is not perfect  at all. The crime average might be still low compared to other countries indeed but it does not mean Zero. There are always terrible crime. Murders are often especially parents kill their kids or kids kill their parents or gland parents, also kill the partner are often nowadays, and after big disaster some thief appear for sure, even after the super big earthquake and tsunami 6 years ago many of thief and raper appeared.  You have to pay much of care even if you are in " the safe country", don't be lazy about that.

I hoped that you were still interested in Japan for visiting or living or something after hearing these things.

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