The reason 2, Building a house!

June 25, 2017

Stopped the CS temporarily

Here is the another reason I stopped Couchsurfing temporarily.
This is another post also no associated at all with Couchsurfing experience.
I am sorry about that , but this time I post it in case for if there might be someone who are interested in architecture in Japan especially about houses and I would like to show you how is the house like my guests spending with us.

Building a new house!

2012, November - 2013, July

As soon as I finished third experience on Couchsurfing, I needed to build a new house immediately. I had had some trouble about a house stuffs I lived at that time between me and landlord for years, then I decided to leave here after fighting against landlord.

We already became pretty big family with welcomed new baby so we needed a house not an apartment room instead. By the way, there are only few rent houses (not including apartments rooms) for big family in Japan so it's a little bit hard task to find a house.
Also, nowadays Japanese house price and rate of loan have been getting down year by year so it was not difficult to buy or build a new house at least for people living in countryside like me than to find another lent house.

Fortunately, I found the nice land located in neighborhood, wide and long, location, formed, price, everything was perfect. 
I bought this land first.

We opened a kind of traditional ritual called Ji-chin-sai before started building.
We did pray to have God of land allows we build a house this place, and the safe working. Each person dig the land just one shot with a holy traditional device in taking turn.

Then, I designed the house details with an architect.
I didn't want my new house to be alike as other ordinary Japanese houses, so we designed the house form to be square ( little bit rectangle ) and I chose black galvalume as the outside wall. 

I didn't know well about houses when I started to plan to build a house, but I have seen the Japanese house's ability especially about air tightness is very much cheap than western houses after I studied about house.
Why? Because,
  1. It was very important to get air flowing from outside to inside the room for old Japanese houses because to escape from hotness and humidity of summer of Japan. 
  2. Most part of Japan is not so much cold in winter so we can survive even if losing the warm air from inside house.
  3. Most of Japanese carpentry and architects to be negative about new techniques and not realize the importance about air tightness.
I think those are the reasons. 
Since I realized about that, I changed windows from single glass to double glass.
To be honest, I think using triple is the best but I couldn't use them because of the cost. These are from Germany or Sweden or Canada at that time so they were so expensive.

Anyway, I wanted to say is Europe and North American houses are great! And I have regret little bit about that.
I have often heard that Japanese stuffs are said very nice about cars, electronic devices. So, I thought the house is also same but it's not.
If I would get big money in the future, I wanted to build another house again as same level as western's one....

in the beginning.
almost used lumber

Nowadays, also in japan using heat insulators, even though these are not best one.

Choosing the stuffs using for kitchen and bathroom in the show rooms.

There were so many things which I had to decided, Rooms, Kitchen, Bathroom, floors, garden... we went a lot of show rooms for each one, almost every weekends for 6 month. It was very hard task with kids including just a baby, but it was also very fun at same time!

Almost there.

My kids joined the works to make gardens and outside steps!
They did drawing something on the step for the memories, their works are on step still now.

Finally, all of working have done!
It's almost one year from plan to done.

We settled down here and this house.
This place is a residential area but here has a lot of nature nearby, trees, rivers, birds, sometimes weasels and boars, of course many insects I don't like though.

After finishing this big project for my family, I hoped every Couchsurfer enjoy and feel the Japanese nature in here to know Japan more, and even now I do so.

We restarted Couchsurfing after a year this moment.

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