Couchsurfing in Japan. Restarted in 2014.

June 25, 2017

Restart the Couchsurfing since 2014

1 year later we moved to new house,  the house organizing has done and my youngest daughter became 1 years old. It's good to restart the Couchsurfing.

I was surprised because I received some requests since I changed my states. It was never happened in my ex address I lived before.
I'm not sure the reason but since my address changed to Kobe ( it's kind of big city in Japan), I became to get pretty much of requests from Couchsurfers.

Even though I can host only some of them and I always feel so sorry when I have to decline their offers for some reasons, but at same time I always appreciate they choose us as a host candidate.
I would like to say big thanks to all of guests who sent me requests.

In 2014, I got requests over 50 times in total even though we live in such countryside.

Thank you so much!

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