Started the Blog!

June 21, 2017

Hello there !

Couchsurfing is a great culture exchanging system as known well in the world. We can share various things through using this awesome site.
I am using this site as like a short term home stay for adults to meet new people and to know the world better.
I've been doing Couchsurfing host with family (my wife, 4 kids and a dog!) since 2012 in Japan.

In general speaking, Couchsurfing in Japan is said that not famous and popular, not known well for a good thing because of their culture, their character, they are very conservative... So it's a very tough task you find some hosts in Japan...

But I am here! My family and I are always enjoying the Couchsurfing !  I would like to let you know there is a family enjoying Couchsurfing life as a host even in Japan against the negative rumors!
Couchsurfing has already became one of the important part of my life. I always get something new through every hosting. I should say, something influence me in many ways.
I can't describe all of my great hosting moments on my couchsurfing profile, so I started the blog to show the details of my couchsurfing experiences for someone who are interested and considering to do couchsurfing in Japan.
I will post all of those awesome experiences with awesome guests as possible as I can remember :) , then I will keep to update the pages per I have done the hosting.

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